Friday, April 3, 2009

The Trying of Our Faith

February 21,2009
Almost two years...that's how long we've been in Ukraine. Though, so much has happened, it seems like much more. Lately I've been thinking, what's the hardest part about being a missionary? Is it the loneliness? Not seeing your family? Knowing that you really don't fit in anywhere now...not in America because of how much you and everyone there has changed, and not here because you will always be a foreigner? Is it not having the comfort foods and surroundings of home? or maybe it's the language and culture differences? All those are difficult sometimes, but I'd have to say that the hardest thing is the trying of our faith. Faith that, no matter what, GOD IS in control. Faith that HE WILL protect us. Faith that it IS HIM that called us here, and not just our emotions over the plight of those lost and on their way to hell. Faith that HE KNOWS our every need and will provide...whether emotional, physical, or spiritual. It is faith to keep moving, without knowing if our sacrifices will make a difference.
"(For we walk by faith, not by sight:) Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him." 2 Cor. 5:7,9

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