I thought I'd give you a sneak peak of the hospital that I visited today. I borrowed my husband's camera/phone so not to be obvious, but it was still too noisy. Because of that I only took two pictures...not very good pictures at that, but a picture. I didn't actually get a picture at the delivery hospital because there were too many people. The hospital that I go to is the nicest one I have seen in Ukraine since coming in the Kharkov region. I don't know if it's just because I am use to it (or a LOT worse), but I thought "Wow! This isn't too bad. Everyone will wonder why I'm anxious at all with this hospital." The first picture was taken on the bus ride over.
The hospital/clinic where I had my blood tests done. First one is a little crooked - but clear. The second is blurry but straight, so thought I'd show you both.
I went planning on looking my best so that I wouldn't get any comments like "You need to stop having kids. Look at what it's doing to you!", but it was so hot that water was pouring off of me and my face was as red as a tomato. Oh well. I'm still trying to figure out how the Ukrainian women can continue to look so perfect in this heat, but they haven't shared that secret with me yet.