Saturday, April 9, 2011

Little Blessings

Before Sammy was born I had my heart set on a suit for him.  We searched and searched but the only one we found was a little white one for over $50.  A little while later we received a box from his parents with a little suit.  While walking through the mall here in Poland I found these... 

They were about $20.  Eric agreed to let me get one.  Then we noticed that they were on sale for $10!  So, he said we should grab for now and a bigger one for later.  I was SO excited!  We laid them down at the cash register then the cashier told us that they were half off that price!!!  So, we got two suits for $10!  I am one happy, missionary mama. :)


  1. Wow...that is so awesome! Those kind of deals are so exciting :) Congratulations!!!!

  2. Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow!

  3. Such a blessing when God gives us the desires of our hearts!



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