Sunday, October 13, 2013


Since we are so behind in updates, we have created a new facebook page which will hopefully help us to better keep you posted with pictures and updates.
In July we had our VBS.  We had about 17 kids coming almost regularly and one young lady professed Christ as her Savior.  It was a fun, yet exhausting week.  If you would like to see pictures I have posted them here at this link...VBS pictures .

Also, we had a safe trip to and from Kiev.  The trains are MUCH nicer then they use to be and they are quicker.  It only took us 4-5 hours instead of the 8-10 it use to take!  The toilets still were dirty so Lydia still refused to use them, but a lot better than before.  There are also a few Dominoes Pizza restaurants in Kiev now!  We are still not eating breads, sugars or processed foods, but we were willing to break it for that...boy was I disappointed when I found out it would take 45 minutes to get there and cost about $35 - one way. :(  I know my husband would have gladly done it for me, but I guess it will have to wait for another time.  We did find a KFC there, which made Eric and Lydia VERY happy.  I must admit it didn't cut it for me, but I had been planning for months to break my diet for a nice big piece of Dominoes Pizza.  I think I need to go make me some cauliflower pizza - in the end, I'd probably decide that I liked it better anyways.

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