Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Update from Joyce White

Here is an update from Joyce White in Ukraine.  We were SO excited and wanted to share it with you all.
First day of Bible Camp went well.  We had 10 children, 2 teens from Bro. O'Brian's church came to help.  What a blessing they were.  It made it so much easier on Lina and I with them to help play games and do crafts!!! Praise the Lord they are going to come back and help for the rest of the week.  Slava (Slavic) helped with a skit that went over VERY  WELL!!  The kids loved it and Mike was so caught up in watching the skit he forgot to take any pictures!!
I think we will probably have more tomorrow.  Ola is bringing 3 of her neices and nephews and all the children said they were going to bring a friend tomorrow, so we will see.  Nastia's father agreed to let her come and we told her to bring Masha too.  Masha had a fun time.  The camp is for children 6 to 12 but we aren't turning any away no matter their age.  A lady from a near by village (I did not recognize the name) that goes to a Baptist church brought 3 of her grandchildren.  She thanked us for having something for the children.   Keep praying.  I trust that the Lord is going to give some of these children for Sunday School.
Although we have not had many for church - usually 8 to 10.  We have had wonderful services.  You can feel the presence of the Lord.  We have 3 to 4 lost adults every service.
Will keep you up to date about the Bible Camp and will send some pictures at the end of the week.
Thank you for your prayers!  Continue to pray for the youth of Vvedenka and for the lost attending the services.

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