Wednesday, September 19, 2012


 And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.
Mark 6:31 

Reading this verse this morning I felt as if Jesus was speaking directly to me.  The disciples were coming to Jesus and telling Him what they were doing (in His name) and teaching.  They were constantly surrounded by people coming and going, and they couldn't even sit down to have a meal in peace!  Some days it seems as if the kids are up before me, they are tired and cranky during meal times...oh!  To find a desert place!

So many times I have felt guilty over this overwhelming desire to have some quiet time.  Some time to come away.  I felt as if it was some faulty character.  But Jesus Himself understood the frailty of man, being a man Himself.  And He too, separated Himself to pray and rest.

May I follow His example and withdraw myself from the noise and cares of this life, even if it requires me to get up earlier in the morning, that I may not get too tired to do what He has called me to do...which is, first, to be a wife and mother; second, a missionary to Ukraine.  I cannot do it of my own strength.  I NEED His guidance in every aspect of my life.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you updated :).
    I can't believe how big Daniel has gotten ... and those cute little teeth :).
    Just love all those ocean pictures. You have been blessed with the cutest little children :).
    Praying for your Visas!! Did you not UN-register when you left? Praying for you that you can get some sweet moments of quietness here and there just to rest in the Lord. We serve a great and loving God!



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